Directions / How to find us

This is how you find us:
Coming from the south from Munich/Nuremberg via the A9 freeway, exit Bayreuth-Nord. Enter the traffic circle, 3rd exit. Turn right at the traffic lights and 150m after the long left-hand bend in the road turn left into the property.

Coming from the north from Bamberg/Berlin via the A9 freeway, exit Bayreuth-Nord. Turn right at the traffic light and drive straight ahead over the following traffic circle, take the 2nd exit. Turn right at the traffic light and 150m after the long left curve of the road turn left into the property.


Bayreuth main train station is 3.5 km away, Nuremberg airport is 85 km away and Munich airport is about 225 km away.

A bus stop of the public transport is located nearby the hotel. You can reach us from the center of Bayreuth by bus line 302 - Hammerstadt / Industriegebiet, bus stop: Bindlacher Str. 1 (directly in front of the Roller furniture store) direction ZOH Bayreuth. From there you can already see the hotel.
City center Bayreuth 3,5 km / 6 minutes
Golfclub Bayreuth 3,0 km / 5 minutes
Festspielhaus 3,5 km / 6 minutes
Nuremberg city center 85 km / 50 minutes



HolidayCheck 2017

HRS Top Quality Hotel

TOP AusbildungsBetrieb


Transmar Travel Hotel GmbH
Bühlstrasse 12 · 95463 Bindlach
Tel.: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 100
E-Mail: nftrnsmrhtld

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Conferences at the Transmar Hotel

Transmar Bindlach Conferences

Our conferences brochure.
PDF download.


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