Conferences, Events and Celebrations

The „Euro Tagungscenter“ at Transmar Travel Hotel

2021 - NEW at Transmar Travel Hotel - STREAMING STUDIO

Streaming Studio

From now on you can STREAM events and conferences ONLINE directly from our hotel. Our spacious streaming studio from „clangwelt eventservice“ can be equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
Our hotel team will be happy to assist you.

Inquiries gladly by telephone: Tel.: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 0

Further information to download (PDF 1,8 MB):

Our cooperation partner clangweltclangwelt

Euro Tagungscenter 
Euro Tagungscenter

The conference area „Euro Tagungscenter“ is connected with the main building and directly reachable from the hotel lobby. This area is variably useable and also suitable for banketts, like weddings or celebrations.

600 m² can be divided in several meeting rooms including conference lobby for coffee breaks and snack-time. Of course you can use the full size area without any pillars for your banketts or huge company meetings.

The ceiling height is between 3 m and 3.80 m, so it is possible to present extensive projections. Some parts of our area also can be used for car exposition events. All rooms have natural light, the windows are equipped with blinds.

As our conference guests you can choose between our conference package or you can select your room break-outs as needed. Our bankett office will support you at any time.


Transmar Travel Hotel -
Conference area - Brochure 2025




Organize unforgettable EVENTS!


Events / Adventure events / Family celebrations

Adjacent to the conference rooms, the Oschenberg terrace is particularly suitable for company events or family celebrations, e.g. with a barbecue party by the open fire or a visit to our hotel's own restaurant "Fichtelstüberl" with up to 60 seats and regional and seasonal dishes.
We are also happy to advise you about adventure events at our outdoor partners in the region, such as the "Maisel's Erlebniswelt", the catacombs, the Lohengrin-Therme, bowling and much more, and take over the organization for you on request.“



HolidayCheck 2017

HRS Top Quality Hotel

TOP AusbildungsBetrieb


Transmar Travel Hotel GmbH
Bühlstrasse 12 · 95463 Bindlach
Tel.: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 100
E-Mail: nftrnsmrhtld

Social media and more

Conferences at the Transmar Hotel

Transmar Bindlach Conferences

Our conferences brochure.
PDF download.


2022 © Transmar Travel Hotel GmbH · Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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